Why Should You Get Certified in PI?
It goes without saying that you will only get the full value of your license for The Predictive Index if you acquire comprehensive knowledge of the assessments and how they may be applied in the organisation. This is what you will get with the PI certification, and without it the nuances will get lost and the tools may be viewed as superficial. A certified PI Practitioner is educated in the analysis of the profile and understand the nuances which are an important part of uncovering the full pattern and learning the interplay of the drives. A professional certified in PI will be able to use the assessment result in interviews, uncover how the profile is expressed, and gauge how much self-awareness the assessment taker has. As a certified PI Practitioner, you will also be able to facilitate a discussion among stakeholders about the JA input and answer questions from assessment takers about their results. In some geographies it may be regarded as unethical to make talent decisions by using a tool you are not certified to use. Candidates need to be able to trust that their data is handled by someone who is able to interpret them correctly. PI Software contains a multitude of reports which are a very useful support, but they are generated by a system and do not provide the same level of nuances as a full interpretation. Sign up for the next certification workshop in your country or click on the workshop calendar to view all upcoming certification workshops, including virtual training in English.
Zdobądź zaawansowaną wiedzę na temat PI – PI Training in Polish
Do your Polish-speaking colleagues or managers need to be certified in PI? We offer open-enrolment training in Polish a few times a year, and our next PI certification workshop in Polish will take place in Warsaw on September 17th-18th and will be facilitated by our experienced Polish trainer and associate partner, Karolina Rogatko. Sign up using this link or write to to learn more about our other workshops. Humanostics offers certification training, manager workshops, and team sessions in Polish, English, Danish, Dutch, German, and Norwegian.
Do You Have Access to Cognitive Data?
The PI Cognitive Assessment (CA) measures general cognitive ability, i.e. how quickly a person acquires new knowledge, and is a powerful predictor of job performance. If you do not have access to cognitive data in PI Software, it may be because it is hidden from view. If that is the case, all you have to do is click on your name in the top right corner and select ‚Show cognitive data‘. If you do not have this option, your software admin will need to enable cognitive for you.

Did you know that you can customise the emails that go out from PI Software, such as invitations to complete the PI assessments? As a PI Software administrator, you can update the default emails for all software users in your account. The templates could include information about how you use the PI assessments, how long you will store the data, a link to your data privacy policy, or anything else you think is important. Here’s how to do it: In the Company Settings tab in the Administration module, scroll down to the Software Email Settings section. Here you will find a dropdown with the entire list of customisable emails. Simply click on the name of the email that you would like to edit and update the subject and email message. Please note that you will need to make these updates to the email template for each of the languages that your company sends out invitations in. These templates will now be the standard email text for all software users, but each user can still edit their individual emails when sending out invitations to complete the BA or CA. Editing the overall templates is only possible if you have the role of AccountOwner or AccountAdmin.