Dear Humanostics client,

While our day-to-day lives, our businesses and the economy continue to be affected by the Corona virus pandemic, some things stay the same: regardless of how your organisation has been affected, you still need to ensure that your employees are engaged and productive, and that you place the right people in the right positions – whether you are hiring externally or finding new roles for existing employees. In this newsletter, we focus on the importance of training your organisation, present you with a variety of tips and tools, as well as news from the world of Humanostics and PI.

Invest in Training to get Maximum Return on Investment

The Predictive Index tools empower you to HIRE top talent smarter and INSPIRE your existing workforce more effectively – but if your organisation is not sufficiently trained in the use of the PI tools, you miss out on a critical opportunity to get the full benefits of the tools, so you don’t get the full return on investment from your PI license. Investing in training empowers your organisation to create measurable improvements to your recruitment process, retention, engagement, and productivity. We know from experience that the more people your organisation trains in the PI tools, the more success your organisation will see – this is because broader familiarity with the PI tools creates bigger company-wide impact. Which means you get a better return on investment – i.e. more bang for the buck! Humanostics offers a variety of PI workshops ranging from half-day introduction or team sessions to the full 2-day certification where you become a PI Practitioner. Contact us to learn more about the options.

Are You New to the Predictive Index Tools?

If you are new to the PI tools, we highly recommend that you attend one of our workshops to learn how to administer, interpret and apply PI in your organisation. If you just need a short, high-level introduction to PI, you can watch some of these videos and share them within your organisation:

PI Software 

Master the PI Software Basics

[3 minutes]


Identify and hire the right people

[5 minutes]


Learn what drives your people

[4 minutes]


The PI Cognitive Assessment

[6 minutes]


The PI Behavioral Assessment

[30 minutes]

PI Software in 21 Different Languages

Did you know that you can log into PI Software in 21 different languages? Choose the software  language from the login screen by clicking the button at the bottom left corner. You can also download reports in 21 different languages!

Promoting Inclusion and Objectivity with PI

Diversity and inclusion continue to be important focus areas in many companies. PI tools can help you promote inclusion by objectively matching the right person to the right job (regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation) and inspiring a diverse range of perspectives:

PI HIRE: Recruiting new employees

PI INSPIRE: Motivating your existing workforce

  • Make your hiring process more objective by applying the PI tools at an early stage.
  • Reduce barriers by making job descriptions more inclusive. Focus on behavioural and cognitive match over education and experience requirements. Use the PI Job Assessment to set an objective job target and match candidates using the PI Behavioral Assessment and the PI Cognitive Assessment.
  • Promote diverse perspectives by getting feedback from multiple stakeholders on the Job Target using the PI Job Assessment .
  • Create diverse teams to improve engagement and performance.
  • Encourage empathy by using the Management Strategy Guide and Team Work Styles reports based on the PI Behavioral Assessment to improve internal communication, understanding and collaboration.
  • Promote personal growth: Commit to inclusive career pathing, using tools like the Coaching Guide to promote minority voices.

Free Resources in Times of Crisis

PI is an indispensable tool and toolbox whether you are ‘protecting and reacting’ in times of crisis or ‘hiring and inspiring’ in times of growth. We have put together a host of free resources aimed at helping you weather the storm with the help of the PI solutions, including recordings of the free webinar series that Humanostics hosted earlier this year. Check out the free resources HERE.


Humanostics is delighted to announce that the PI Cognitive Assessment (PI CA) has been EFPA-certified, just like the PI Behavioral Assessment was in 2018. The PI CA was awarded a certificate of conformity under the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations’ (EFPA) Test Review Model in a review performed by the Norwegian company DNV-GL.

This certification is an important distinction reflecting the QUALITY, VALIDITY, RELIABILITY, and FAIRNESS of the CA. Well done to the science team at The Predictive Index LLC., who have spent around 1,000 hours over the course of many months to perform the extensive analyses and documentation required to achieve this certification.

Read the full press release from The Predictive Index HERE.


Humanostics is once again running face-to-face open-enrolment workshops so you can become a PI Practitioner or take one of our next-level 1-day courses to learn how to apply the PI tools for recruitment, development and in teams.

We currently have workshops scheduled in Poland, The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, and we are happy to host in-house training for groups of PI users almost anywhere in the world.

The workshops are of course held with all possible health and safety precautions and in full compliance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the local health authorities to protect us all from the corona virus pandemic.


PI Job Assessment icon white
PI Job
PI Cognitive Assessment icon white
PI Cognitive Assessment™
PI Behavioral Assessment icon white
PI Behavioral Assessment™
PI Employee Experience Survey™
Rocket icon white
Selling Skills Assessment Tool™


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TVA 32451926

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