In this newsletter, we take a look at the current trends in HR and the challenges that organisations will face in the near future. We take a closer look at two of the key focus areas identified by The Predictive Index in their latest survey and see where PI’s Talent Optimisation solutions can help.

The HR Field Guide to the Future

In this new report, The Predictive Index share the results of a survey conducted on 200+ HR and business leaders about the most pressing challenges on the talent horizon. Their responses revealed their level of organisational readiness for the forces sure to drive HR and business action over the next half-decade. The survey revealed five key focus areas for organisations to focus on:

  1. Dealing with talent shortages
  2. Handling human + technology integration
  3. Guarding against generation drift
  4. Contending with corporate backlash
  5. Practicing stakeholder capitalism

Download the report free of charge HERE to get actionable advice for HR teams looking to keep their companies ahead of the curve, and understand the ramifications of inaction. 

Guarding Against Generational Drift

We are entering an unprecedented era in workplace culture. For the first time in modern history, as many as five different generations of employees are working together at the same time – from the baby boomers to Gen Alpha. The most forward-thinking and actively prepared businesses are figuring out ways to account for and connect the wide diversity of personalities and perspectives that will share the workplace over the next decade. Those companies will bring people together, rather than allowing generational drift, and make it their competitive edge. And they will do it with HR as the bridge. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to professional development or work styles. That truth transcends generations in the same way it does personalities – and the HR and business leaders who recognise this truth will be best equipped to accommodate people with different perspectives. By making behavioral awareness a part of your company’s mission, HR can provide leaders with the PI tools that enable them to meet everyone’s unique needs and build the bridge that connects the generations. 

PI Software Pro Tip: Change the Software Language

Did you know that PI Software is available in 21 different interface languages? The chosen software language will be displayed in the top menu, on the person page, in Team Discovey etc. Change the software language by clicking on your name in the top right corner and choosing My Profile. Then select the language in the drop-down menu. The available languages are: English, Danish, Portuguese, Romanian, Norwegian, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Finnish, Czech, Spanish, French, Polish, Chinese (simplified), Dutch, Swedish, Hungarian, Spanish (Latin America), and Russian.


Increased life expectancy and declining birth rates are contributing to population ageing in the EU and around the world. Despite the increasing focus on diversity and inclusion that many organisations proclaim, age discrimination or 'ageism’ in the workplace is pervasive. Yet it is rarely addressed or even noticed. Ageism is associated with limited opportunities for older workers, disparities in hiring and promotions, and discriminatory practices, including forced early retirement. As an example, ageist language in job postings conveying preference such as 'digital native’, 'recent graduate’, young’, and 'energetic’ are examples of a recruiting practice that may involve systemic age discrimination. 

Research shows that people of all ages show bias against older adults, but the attitudes that underlie age bias are often rooted in falsehoods. Apart from having the obvious advantage of experience, aging often comes with strengths such as increased creativity, becoming more agreeable and conscientious, and better at regulating one’s emotions. Companies should make certain that recruiting and hiring pools are diverse–including age diversity. Focus on what the job actually requires from the new employee on day one and what skills can be trained when hiring for a new position. Use PI assessment data to look beyond demographic characteristics such as age – which has no correlation with on-the-job performance – and focus on what behaviours and cognitive ability the new colleague should have in order to be successful in the role. This approach reduces subjectivity and biases in decision-making, promoting fairness and inclusivity. 


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