Using Team Discovery in Talent Acquisition
Team Discovery helps you look at individual and collective strengths and caution areas in any team. By selecting the team’s strategic priorities, Team Discovery can identify misalignment between the team’s abilities and its goals and give you science-backed recommendations to close the gap and drive toward success. These features make Team Discovery an excellent tool to use in team sessions.
But have you considered that you can also use Team Discovery in your Talent Acquisition process as well? Part 2 of Team Discovery allows you to select the strategic objectives that the team should focus on. When looking for a new team member, the TA Specialist or HR Partner can use Team Discovery to have a discussion with the hiring manager around the behavioral composition of the existing team versus the job to be done and identify fits and gaps. Is there a match between the natural strengths and work styles of the team members and the strategic objectives? How would different candidates fit in with the existing team members? Would they complement and balance them, or would you get more of the same, and how do the candidates’ strengths and work styles compare to the selected strategy? While it is of course very important to look at the candidate fit with the requirements of the job they are applying for, you can get additional valuable insights by looking at the fit with the team and the priorities they are going to focus on in the near future.
The PI Behavioral Assessment vs. The Five Factor Model
How does the PI Behavioral Assessment compare to the Five Factor Model (FFM)? The PI Behavioral Assessment is theoretical in nature, and it is a more specific measure of workplace personality characteristics than the FFM. This is not to say that one model is better than the other. In fact, the FFM enjoys numerous advantages because it is so well-researched and readily accepted as a commercially viable approach to personality-based job prediction. However, when it comes to job-related measures, the research (both that of The Predictive Index and others’) is clear: narrow measures can be very effective, and all four of the PI BA scales are related to workplace performance, compared to only a handful of the scales in the FFM. PI hash hundreds of validation studies and meta-analytical research that shows that – even as a six-minute assessment – the PI BA can meet, if not beat, FFM assessments when predicting job performance in most workplace applications. In conclusion, the differences between the FFM and The PI Behavioral Assessment are not likely to be the reason your talent decision-making or talent development work succeeds or fails. The real priorities should be making sure you understand the assessment and its applications, that you are trained on best practice, and that you use the assessment the way it is intended to be used.
Free Webinars for PI Practitioners
Are you certified in PI and would like to build on your learning? Humanostics offers a series of free webinars for people who are certified that cover different aspects of working with the PI solutions: Setting job targets with stakeholder input, facilitating team sessions, how to apply the PI Cognitive Assessment, and giving feedback on the PI assessments. Find dates and sign up in the webinar calendar on our website. If you would like to refresh your general PI knowledge, Humanostics also offers free refresher webinars, where you can reacquaint yourself with the basics of the PI tools and how to apply them for hiring the right people, managing them, as well as for collaboration and in teams. Find dates and sign up in the webinar calendar.
Humanostics offer a variety of workshops, including the official PI Certification which we conduct face-to-face and virtually in a number of locations and languages. We are proud to have achieved an overall Net Promoter Score of 73 in 2023! The NPS scale runs from -100 to +100, and a score of 73 puts Humanostics in the top quartile according to global benchmark numbers. We are delighted to get such great feedback on our training and look forward to hosting many more workshops in 2024!

If your company is based in the E.U., or if you interact with E.U. citizens or individuals who live in the E.U., you must adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While the data stored in PI Software is not categorised as sensitive personal data, it is still important that you store and handle data in line with the GDPR. Humanostics has developed a number of useful resources to help you set up the software and your processes around PI to be GDPR compliant. Download the guides HERE or watch the webinar below for our best practices.