Free Virtual Refresher Training for PI Practitioners
A certification in PI is valid for the rest of your life, but if you were certified a while ago and would like to refresh your PI knowledge, Humanostics offers free virtul refresher training twice a year in English and Danish. The 2-hour virtual session will cover the basics of the The PI Behavioral Assessment and the PI Cognitive Assessment, including how to interpret the results and apply the assessment for hiring, development and collaboration, as a leadership tool, and in teams. We will also go over the application of the The PI Job Assessment and how you can use that to define the behavioural and cognitive job requirements for a specific role using an objective and data-driven approach. Find upcoming refresher courses and sign up HERE. Note that you have to be certified to attend this training.
Next-Level PI Workshops
Humanostics offers three advanced workshops for PI Practitioners who would like to gain next-level, practical knowledge about working with PI in different settings. The workshops are relevant to HR professionals and managers who are certified in PI and would like to get inspiration and hands-on knowledge about working with teams, hiring the right people, and developing their employees and managers. The courses are held virtually in English (3 x 2.5 hours) and face-to-face in Danish in Copenhagen, Denmark (1 day). Click the images below to read more and reserve your seat HERE.
Multiple PI Profiles for the Same Person?
How often should a person complete the The PI Behavioral Assessment? When does it make sense to ask someone to complete a new PI Profile? What do you do if there are multiple profiles for the same person? What do you do if the second PI profile is different from the first one? In general, a person should not complete the PI BA more than once, and they should only complete it again if there is a specific reason for doing so – for example if the first one was completed in a second language instead of their native language, or if many years have passed (in particular if the assessment taker was very young the first time). The PI BA measures stable motivational drives and personality traits, not behaviour or preferences, so there is rarely a reason to retake the assessment, even if the person feels they have evolved a lot over the years. What they develop is there self-awareness and their ability to adapt their natural behaviour, but the motivational drives as measured by the PI BA tends to stay stable throughout adulthood in 99.9 % of the cases. Check out THIS GUIDE for more information about multiple PI profiles for the same person.
Managing Remote Employees With PI
Managing the individuals on your team can become a lot easier if you know their PI profile and what needs are associated with it. But when these team members are working remotely in part or even full time, it adds a layer of complexity to the task of giving them what they need to feel engaged and be productive. This guide from The Predictive Index gives you useful insights into managing different individuals in a remote environment, and provides you with practical advice on how to tailor your approach to a team member based on their motivational drives and needs. For any employee – remote or onsite – you can pull the report ‘Management Strategy Guide‘ from PI Software to get tips on how to interact with them and motivate them. For a deeper insight into using PI as a leadership tool, attend the PI workshop ‘Inspire People to Perform‘, which is tailored to people managers.
The ‘PI in a Flash’ App – Test and Refresh Your PI Knowledge
PI in a Flash is an app designed to help you review the concepts of The Predictive Index. Test your knowledge after a workshop or just get a quick refresher. Hone your abilities to give a readback when you know the underlying concepts. The app features a daily quiz, flashcards, and more. The app can be downloaded free of charge in the Apple App Store and in Google Play.
The PI Behavioral Assessment and the PI Cognitive Assessment can be taken in 65+ different languages, and regardless of the language the invitation is sent in, the assessment taker can always choose freely between the languages available. It is crucial for the validity of the assessments that the assessment taker choose their native language if it is available. If it is not one of the available languages, they should chose the one they are most familiar with.
We advise you to inform your candidates and employees that the PI assessments are not designed to test their proficiency in other languages, and that they should not choose another language in an attempt to show you how well they know it. Even if they are very good at that language, they will – all things being equal – get a more accurate assessment result by completing the assessments in their native language.
Are you new to PI Software, or would you simply like to get to know all the useful features and reports for use in recruitments, development, and teams and working relationships? As a PI client, you are welcome to join our software demo webinars free of charge – we host them regularly in English and Danish. See the schedule and sign up HERE.
The PI assessments are scientifically validated and realiable psycometric tools, and though they may look simple and easy to interpret, you need to be certifed to be able to correctly analyse and interpret assessment results. We offer seminars in several languages, face-to-face as well as virtual, so check out the workshop calendar HERE or contact us for information about training in other languages / locations or in-house.