Vi er et team av konsulenter som støtter kundene våre, primært i Europa, fra kontoret vårt i Hellerup i Danmark. Vårt regionale kontor i Singapore tar seg av kundene våre i Sørøst-Asia. Få vite mer om oss nedenfor og kontakt oss nå.

Humanostics logo green

Jesper is the Managing Partner of Humanostics.

Jesper has 30+ years of senior executive experience from the shipping and logistics industry including 25 years with the A.P. Møller Maersk Group.

Jesper holds an MBA (Honors) from IMD and has attended several executive programmes over the years with different business schools incl Harvard Business School, INSEAD, Penn State University and University of Michigan.


Copenhagen Office

+45 6066 9721

Pernille is our Senior Consultant & Trainer.

Having been an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen Pernille became Networking Manager at HumanConsult, a network for managers and HR professionals. Pernille has 20+ years of experience as a trainer and lecturer and has certified thousands of managers and HR professionals in the Predictive Index methodology.

Pernille is a Ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen (1998) and has subsequently taken several HR-courses, e.g. at the Centre for Management (2007).

Client Relations and Training

Copenhagen Office

+45 2293 2327

Mie is our Country Manager for the Danish market and works with the team to ensure that our existing clients receive exceptional service and support and that potential clients see and understand the value that Talent Optimization with PI can bring to their organisation.

Apart from that, Mie is engaged in data analysis and scientific validation of the assessments applied at Humanostics.

Mie is a psychologist and has experience within individual and group therapy, a financial education and position in Danske Bank and an HR-Educational program from Copenhagen Business Academy on her resumé.

Mie earned her Master’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Aarhus where she conducted research on psychometric assessment tools and their ability to predict diversity in behaviour.


Copenhagen Office

+45 5386 0535

Karen jobber med kunderelasjoner, undervisning, kommunikasjon og markedsføring.

Karen har 16 års erfaring fra de multinasjonale virksomhetene A.P. Møller-Mærsk og IBM, inkludert åtte år i et globalt strategisk HR-team, hvor hun jobbet med lederutvikling og læringsprosjekter. Karen har dessuten jobbet med prosjektadministrasjon, -implementering og -kommunikasjon.

Karen har en bachelor i bedriftsøkonomi og psykologi fra Copenhagen Business School (2019).

Client Relations, Sales & Communication

+45 2938 1404

Imad er ansvarlig for støtten til våre Associate Partners i form av induksjon, råd og veiledning i forbindelse med salg til nye kunder og generell kundeservice.

Imad har en mastergrad i lærings- og endringsprosesser fra Aalborg University og en bachelorgrad i administrativ økonomi fra Metropol i København.

Associate Partner Support

+45 5387 0535

Jacob er ansvarlig for den daglige økonomi og drift hos Humanostics.

Jacob har lang erfaring med å jobbe med økonomi og drift fra Salling Group og REKOM.

Jacob går for tiden på Handelsdiplomuddannelsen (HD) ved Copenhagen Business School.

Finance & Operations

+45 3169 2478

Christa er konsulent og arbejder med kunderelationer, service, og kommunikation.

Christa har en kandidatgrad i Economics and Business Administration (Brand and Communications Management) fra Copenhagen Business School.

Client Relations

+45 6110 6686

Paria er konsulent og arbejder med kunderelationer, service, og kommunikation.

Paria har en kandidatgrad i digital kommunikation og kultur fra University of Sydney og har bl.a. erhvervsarbejdserfaring fra et internationalt mediebureau.

Client Relations

+45 6110 6685

William is a student assistant who mainly works with the planning, administration, and coordination of our international PI workshops.

William has a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Roskilde University, and is now studying an MSc in Economics and Business Administration - International Marketing and Management at Copenhagen Business School.

Training Administration

+45 5389 0535

Following 19 years in corporate with A.P.Moller in general management and commercial positions in Hong Kong, PRC, Singapore, Malaysia and Brazil, Morten returned to Denmark to join Humanostics ApS shortly after it was formed.

In 2016 Morten returned to Singapore and set up Humanostics Pte. Ltd.

Morten holds a BA in Math and Economics from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA (with honours) from IMD in Switzerland. Morten also has taken executive courses at Insead (France and Singapore campusses) and at Ohio State University.

Asia & Australia

Singapore Office

+65 8182 2443

Milanie is Singaporean and has been part of the Humanostics team for many years and involved in a multitude of tasks including back office, accounts, seminar support. The past years Milanie has been in client excellence and customer support in Asia with base in Singapore.

Milanie is very thorough and sets high standards for herself. Milanie speaks some Mandarin and Bahasa in addition to her native English.

Asia & Australia

Singapore Office

+65 9299 0532

Luis is a Labrador Retriever and Humanostics' office dog. Born in early 2020, Luis keeps the Humanostics team company in their cozy Hellerup office. He spends his days napping, getting cuddled and stroked by the team members, sniffing around the office, and gazing out the window when he hears something interestering in the distance.

Outside normal office hours, Luis lives with Managing Director Jesper Præstensgaard and his wife.

Employee Engagement

Copenhagen Office

+45 5389 0535

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PI Job
PI Cognitive Assessment icon white
PI Cognitive Assessment™
PI Behavioral Assessment icon white
PI Behavioral Assessment™
PI Employee Experience Survey™
PI Employee Experience Survey™
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Selling Skills Assessment Tool™


Strandvejen 72
2900 Hellerup
MVA 32451926

PI Certified Partner Badge

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