How do you make sure you find people who are motivated in a given job, and have the cognitive capacity to handle the complexity in the job; in short, a perfect person-job match!

The costs of a bad hire are immense, and studies reveal that as high as 46% of new hires are terminated, leave under pressure, and receive disciplinary action and negative reviews within their first 18 months on the job. 

We can assist you in implementing a more strategic recruitment process with scientifically validated hiring tools that help you lower that number.

1. Establish Job Requirements

2. Assess Personality & Cognitive Capacity

3. Structure Your Interviews

4. Select the Right Candidate​

5. Onboard Employee


Formalising the process for capturing the essential aspects of what it takes to be successful in a position before you start looking for the right candidate, is vital if you want your hires to be successful. This is what job targeting is all about.

Stakeholders for a job typically view the critical aspects of a job differently which means that the likelihood of a successful hire is close to 0 if you want all stakeholders to be pleased.

What if you had a tool available to help you establish consensus amongst stakeholders?

Applying a job targeting tool like the PI JOB ASSESSMENT™ (PI JA) will unquestionably help establish consensus and transparency around the behavioural and cognitive requirements in the job. This ultimately kick-starts the required alliance between the hiring manager, stakeholders, and HR in finding the right person for the job.


Upon establishing consensus and transparency around the job requirements by applying the (PI JOB ASSESSMENT™) the search for the right candidate for the job begins. Some recruiters tend to write a job description, post the job, and run through the stack of résumés focusing mainly on skills and past achievements. Past achievements and skills are certainly important elements to consider, but not the only relevant ones you need to conduct a qualified selection process of your candidates.

What if you could find out what truly motivates people and how well they respond to the tasks at hand?

Scientifically validated recruitment tools are the answer – applying the personality tool PI BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT™ (PI BA) and the learning indicator PI COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT™ (PI CA) will do just that. These hiring tools help you map candidates’ personality and cognitive capacity in simple outputs making it easy for you determine a person-job match.


Establishing the job requirements (PI JOB ASSESSMENT™), mapping personality (PI BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT™) and cognitive capacity (PI COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT™) of your candidates hopefully leaves you with a bunch of eligible candidates for the job.

What is your process for conducting a structured interview and objectively evaluating the candidates?
How do you make sure you are asking the right questions?

What if you could define a process that would apply across all recruitments helping you to structure your interviews?

We have reports, tools and an interview techniques workshop available to help you do just that.


The most vital step in a hiring process is unquestionably the selection itself. A great determinator of success during this part of a strategic recruitment process is how well the preceding steps were completed. If you followed the previous steps by the letter you will now have objective scientifically validated data points to evaluate your candidates up against the job requirements as well as your subjective collection of data during the interview and interaction with the candidates.

So, who is the right person for the job? Who will be motivated in the job?

What if you had objective data points and software that could run a person-job match analysis for you?

Looking at someone’s personality (PI BA) as well as their cognitive capacity (PI CA) and analysing how well those capabilities match the requirements in the job (PI BA) should always be a part of any selection process and people decision. In addition to scientifically validated assessment tools providing objective data for your evaluation we offer state-of-the-art software helping you compare your candidates on these objective data points. Combined with irreplaceable human interaction and discernment, you will be better equipped to make the right people decision.


All done with the hiring process leaves you with the next and very important task: Onboarding your new employee.

You might be wondering how this particular person would prefer to be onboarded?

What should you prepare for the new employee, which tasks should be the first ones to focus on?

Should you focus on establishing relations or is it important to have the tasks lined up for your new employee to engage in on their first day?

People have different preferences for the type of work that invigorates them and also how they approach new tasks / situations. Knowledge about your employee’s needs and drives (PI BA) and learning ability (PI CA) will tell you what the right approach to onboarding this particular person is. So while our assessments are excellent strategic recruitment tools for choosing who to hire, they are also great for helping you ensure your new employee is off to a great start.

Insight about what is required in the job (PI JA) and any matches/discrepancies between the person’s natural drives and behaviour and what is required in the job tell you what to pay particular attention to and support during the onboarding process.


It can be quite a costly affair to hire someone who leaves your company shortly after their employement. First, there is the base salary incl. social and other contributions for the number of months they stayed with you. Miscellaneous and infrastructure costs quickly add up to the same amount as the base salary, and then there is the operating loss – this ‘uncollected added value in relation to the

investment made’ can be estimated between 1.5 and 4 times the wage cost of an employee, depending on the activities and the share of personnel costs in EBITDA. For this calculation, we have set it conservatively at a factor of 2. Finally, you can add the cost of recruiting their replacement which easily adds up to 1/10 of the employee’s annual compensation level. 

Source: European Federation of Search & Selection Associations, November 2018

PI Job Assessment icon white
PI Job
PI Cognitive Assessment icon white
PI Cognitive Assessment™
PI Behavioral Assessment icon white
PI Behavioral Assessment™
PI Employee Experience Survey™
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Selling Skills Assessment Tool™


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