How DO you inspirE your workforce to keep them motivated and engaged?

According to studies you face a 46% risk of losing a new employee within the first 18 months of employment.
As experienced consultants in Humanostics we engage with our client portfolio of more than 200 clients to keep their workforce inspired and engaged by providing know-how and assessment tools designed to help solve people challenges.

Managing People

Identifying and Retaining Talent

Engaging Employees

Improving Working Relationships

Growing as a Leader

Managing People

Working with Teams

Identifying and Retaining Talent

Engaging Employees

Improving Sales Performance


Studies indicate that an employee’s manager accounts for up to 70% of the variance in the employee engagement level, and managing people is a challenging task, a very challenging task in fact. It requires more than merely good leadership skills; it requires an understanding of what drives people and how to support them in their learning and development process.

The top ingredient in the perfect recipe for people management is without question – INSIGHT. 


Managers need to have insight into their own drives, strengths and challenges and they need insight into the drives of their employees.
Applying PI Behavioral Assessment provides managers with a simple and practical tool to map the personality traits of their employees revealing the motivational drives and needs that
require attention in order for the employee to be motivated and thrive. 


Managers attend the ‘Inspire People to Perform’ workshop to obtain skills to assemble and manage high-performing teams.
The workshop incentivises managers to become transformational managers through mastering relationship development and building positive team dynamics. All based on the one top ingredient – insight. This investment in leadership development will help your managers become better leaders, increasing the engagement and productivity of their team, as well as the overall retention of your workforce. 


is probably one of the most commonly used phrases when it comes to the objective of putting people together in teams. They are no longer performing individually or individuals performing together – they are a high-performing team. Despite being widely used and discussed a clear definition on what it takes to create a high-performing team seems to be hard to find. 

Our Take on High-Performing Teams

The team has sufficient behavioural diversity to be agile, and the diversity is properly managed to avoid dysfunctional team dynamics. Establishing optimal team dynamics requires understanding and acceptance of behavioural diversity, which is driven by underlying motivational drives. Insight into motivational drives is where it all starts. 

We have tools available to help you establish high-performing teams, select new team members and optimise existing teams. 


By applying the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (PI BA) on all team members you can use it as an ideal team tool to map and work with the behavioural diversity in your teams. A simple visual overview, hands-on reports, action plans, personal development charts etc. help your team to aspire to the high-performing status. The PI BA is ideal for working with team development and creating valuable insight that will improve team cohesion. 

Attending the ‘Create Awareness with People Data’ workshop provides your teams with a fundamental understanding of the motivations underlying the behaviour of themselves and their team members; a prerequisite for becoming a high-performing team.  


Most organisations realise the importance of identifying Hi-Po’s and continuously developing them to retain them in the organisation because all evidence indicates that employees and managers who are groomed from within the organisation tend to perform better and stay longer. 

We have tools available to improve your talent management processes by helping you identify your inhouse Hi-Po’s as well as external candidates who have what we call ‘whispering talent’.

Whispering talent is particularly relevant for entry-level programmes and is about setting aside the usual screening indicators. Selection is often based on grades and resumes, which suggest how hard someone has worked in school and give you the answer to the question: “Is this person willing to work hard?”. What is interesting is how you identify the person who might not be ideal on paper, but whose innate abilities and drives indicate otherwise. This is the whispering talent. 

Hi-Po’s and whispering talent are identified by measuring motivational drives and cognitive ability. PI Behavioral Assessment™ helps you understand a person’s motivational drives, communication style, and management style. PI Cognitive Assessment™ gives you valuable information about the person’s potential, learning ability, trainability and cognitive capacity. In other words, how well does the person take in, process and make decisions based on complex information. Implementing these tools in your talent management process will help you not only identify but also retain talent in your organisation. 


To retain the talent you hire, you need to focus on motivation, engagement and employee development, as well as leadership development. In short, employee engagement is an indicator of the discretionary effort your employees are willing to put in, and it is the key to productivity, retention, customer satisfaction and a range of KPIs. 

One of the best ways to cultivate an engaged and motivated workforce is to build a self-aware organisation. 

When employees and managers are aware of their natural behaviours and drives – and the behaviours and drives of the people they interact with – it encourages everyone to understand their role and work better together, creating those feelings of belonging and job fit that drive engagement and productivity. 



Imagine that you are right-handed and when you show up for work one day you are told to only use your left hand.

You have always preferred your right hand and you know you do a better job with your right hand, but you are not allowed to use it. Now imagine that you are told to use your left hand every day.
To most people setting aside their natural tendencies and working against their preferences is an exhausting task. It is not impossible, but it takes energy and over time it can cause a person to be demotivated and disengaged at work and ultimately may cause them to leave your organisation.

One way to increase employee engagement is to make sure you have the right people in the right positions. Another is to invest in employee development which will increase your employees’ motivation and productivity. Both will help you get better overall retention.


PI Job Assessment™ helps you clarify the requirements in the job and PI Behavioral Assessment™ and PI Cognitive Assessment™ help you match your people to those requirements. This means that people are in positions where they get to use their right hand, i.e., where they do things which they find motivating and stimulating. They work in their preferred style, and in that environment, employees are more likely to feel passion and energy for the job they do every day: they are engaged and motivated to go the extra mile. This investment in workforce development will ensure your employees thrive, are more productive and stay with you longer, improving your overall retention and lowering your turnover. 


If your salesforce believes that selling is a numbers game, they might as well be saying: we lack the skills to control the outcome. The numbers game is played by those who believe in luck and chances of closing the deal.

In Humanostics we believe that selling is a performance game not a numbers game: sales are generated through skills and proper technique. Improve the skills of your sales force and you will improve your results.

Monday Morning: Playing the Numbers Game

Call one hundred prospects, utilise a standard approach, use value-driven phrases which match the needs of the majority of prospects. If you get that far, hurry up and push to present your product. Stand by and listen to a total of ninety-eight ‘no thanks, not interested’, and end up with two appointments (on a good day).

Tuesday: repeat the process.

Monday Morning: Playing the Performance Game

Prepare to reach out to X qualified prospects, utilise an efficient approach that engages people to open up, not shut down, focus on having a conversation, not a pitch, investigate to understand the needs of your prospect before presenting your value-based solution, and use a language that makes you stand out from the competition not blend in. Results: You wind up with real conversations that lead to appointments with qualified prospects who say “yes” or “I’d like to know more”.

Tuesday: repeat your success and follow up on yesterday’s calls.

Your sales reps need to focus on the unique value of your solutions and target clients in a consultative way and speak to the pains, problems, issues and challenges of your prospects to present a tailored value-driven solution. Instead of playing the “numbers game,” identify where to focus your efforts and qualify the skills of your sales force to conduct consultative sales.


Give your reps the tools to better understand prospects and themselves. Use Selling Skills Assessment Tool™ to evaluate the selling skills of your sales force and identify strengths and areas of growth to increase their overall effectiveness. Use Customer-Focused Selling (CFS) training to empower your sales force to assess the needs of prospects and clients, articulate the message in the best way to be heard, deal with any concerns or resistance, and gain agreement. CFS focuses on the consultative way of selling with 5 clear and easy to understand steps.

PI Behavioral Assessment™ ensures that SSAT data and CFS training translate into long-term sustainable results. PI Behavioral Assessment provides sales managers with objective data on motivation and drives to accurately support, guide and coach their sales reps to outstanding individual and team performance. 


Most workplace conflicts are not caused by disagreements over tasks or priorities, but by inter-personal conflicts and poor communication. The key to building working relationships that truly thrive creating awareness about what drives you and your colleagues. With the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (PI BA) you get quick, science-based insights into what makes your colleagues tick and how their needs and behaviours are similar to or different from your own. 

In PI Software, you’ll find reports such as the Person Report, the Personal Development Chart and the Placard which give you the tools to improve your self-awareness and understand the work and communication styles of your colleagues. Use the PI Relationship Guide to discover how any two people work together. It shows you the strengths and caution areas of the working relationship and gives you instant recommendations on how to strengthen your working relationship, allowing you to prevent or solve most people issues in a flash. 

The PI BA is ideal for working with your own personal development and increasing your emotional intelligence by creating awareness of what motivates your colleagues. 

Attending the ‘Create awareness with People Data’ workshop provides your teams with a fundamental understanding of the motivations underlying the behaviour of themselves and their team members; a prerequisite for improving your working relationships.


Most leaders want to be good people managers, but they often lack the tools to understand how to manage each of their team members the way they want to be managed. Combine that with a lack of self-awareness when it comes to your own behaviour, work and communication style, and the odds are not in your favour. 

With the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (PI BA) you get quick, science-based insights into what makes your employees tick and how their needs and behaviours are similar to or different from your own. It will increase your self-awareness and help you understand how you are perceived by others, allowing you to adapt and flex your behaviour to become a more effective leader. Improved self-awareness and awareness of the needs of others will help you grow as a leader by building your emotional intelligence and facilitating more effective conversations with your team members. 

In PI Software, you’ll find reports such as the Person Report, the Personal Development Chart and the Placard which give you the tools to improve your self-awareness and understand the work and communication styles of your employees. Use the Manager Development Chart to get actionable self-coaching tips based on your behavioural style, so you can bring your best self to work every day. The Management Strategy Guide will tell you what each of your direct reports need from you to thrive and perform, based on their unique behavioural pattern and individual working style, helping you manage them in the most effective way. And with the Coaching Guide, you’ll get customised coaching questions that for each of your team members tailored to their behavioral profile and the requirements of the job they are in so you can help them leverage their strenghts and perform at their best.  

Attending the ‘Inspire People to Perform’ workshop will help you grow as a leader by mastering relationship development, communicating more effectively, engaging employees, and building positive team dynamics. 

PI Job Assessment icon white
PI Job
PI Cognitive Assessment icon white
PI Cognitive Assessment™
PI Behavioral Assessment icon white
PI Behavioral Assessment™
PI Employee Experience Survey™
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Selling Skills Assessment Tool™


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