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Humanostics er PI Certified Partner, og vi dækker nu Danmark, Norge, Polen, Holland, Tyskland, Belgien, Storbritannien, Irland, Luxembourg, Island, Australien, Cypern, Grønland, Hong Kong og Sydøstasien. Vi har et team af dedikerede Humanostics Associate Partnere, som sælger PI-værktøjerne via deres egne virksomheder. Læs mere om vores Humanostics Associate Partnere herunder.

Humanostics Associate Partner logo green
PI Certified Partner



James is an organisational effectiveness and human resources specialist advising boards, leaders, and organisations on how to address complex people and culture issues in the workplace.
James has over 25 years of experience in delivering strategic advice on HR-related matters across the public, private and not for profit sectors. He has provided guidance on issues like team effectiveness, employee engagement, wellbeing, workplace incivility, hiring and assessment methodologies. He has facilitated many sensitive change processes and designed and delivered learning and development initiatives.
James is a nationally accredited mediator, a professional member of the Resolution Institute (RI) and the Australian Institute of Human Resources (AHRI). He has completed the Leadership in Action Program (Melbourne Business School) and holds a Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment. James is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Canberra and holds a Bachelor of Arts (ANU) and Bachelor of Law (UNSW).


Gary is an Associate Partner of Humanostics, based in Brisbane, Australia through his company Linton Howard. Linton Howard is a broad based advisory business with a strong focus on building high performing teams, developing positive organisational culture and talent acquisition.

MBA, Dip Ed, and BA qualified, Gary has been a CEO of various start-up, consulting and technology businesses for the past 35 years operating in Australia and South East Asia.. He has a wealth of experience to assist organisations grow and optimise their operations.

Gary believes the PI Index is a unique tool to optimise the hiring of the right people for organisations at the same time as providing a platform to develop more effective teams.

Mark is an Associate Partner of Humanostics, operating in Australia through his company Manavale. Manavale supports growth in organisations through its two core services of talent acquisition and team capability development.

With a Masters in HR Management, MCIPD status and over 20 years of experience in HR, Executive Search and Business, Mark has become a trusted partner to many large Global and Australia listed organisations. Mark has also helped grow a number of start-up success stories.

Based on the evolution of technology in society and the workplace, Mark is convinced that organisations will need to rely on people science and data to identify, select and develop the right talent for the future.

Ron is a senior HR practitioner with more than 25 years’ experience in People & Culture roles across the manufacturing, mining, construction, and professional services industries. Working with large and smaller organizations in Western Australia, Ron has helped create many engaged and productive workplaces by focusing on a continuous improvement mindset and logical systems of work.

Prior to his career in HR, Ron worked in the Education and Training sector so has developed a strong personal belief in lifelong learning and development. Pragmatic and down to earth, Ron always looks to find simple and workable solutions for businesses as they strive to maximize employee contribution. As an Associate Partner with Humanostics Ron sees the Predictive Index suite of tools as a simple to implement but highly effective means of gaining valuable insight into the way employees and teams work best.
Flag of Belgium


Jan Scheck predominantly operates in the Benelux countries as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company “People for Success bvba”.

As a staunch user and PI-Practitioner for over 30 years, Jan combines his long-standing passions for both business and people development by passing on his own experience to existing and new clients of the Predictive Index. 

In his current role, Jan not only commercialises the PI solutions but also conducts workshops in various languages as well as bespoke consulting assignments tailored to each individual client’s needs.

Peter predominantly operates in Belgium as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company iTalents which supports organizations in Talent Acquisition and Leadership Development. Areas of expertise also include management consulting and business development.

With more than 15 years of experience in Talent Management, Peter has been using and exploring numerous assessment tools, PI is the perfect answer in his quest for a talent optimization tool which automates and professionalizes the complete employee life cycle in a cost-efficient way.

Peter holds a master’s degree in Economics, and a postgraduate degree in Human Resources from Vlerick Management School.

Philip Verlinden (1966) received his Master in Applied Business Economics (TEW) at the Catholic University of Louvain (KUL) with Honors, holds a Master of Business Administration of the IAG at Louvain-La-Neuve, and a Master in Fiscal Sciences from the FHS in Brussels. He complemented his professional training with several courses in Finance, HR and Management (Vlerick, UAMS, Institute for Family Business…).

In his professional career to date, he has successfully held senior management functions in Belgium and other countries, both in family owned businesses as in companies financed by venture capital or private equity. He gained best practice experience in smaller companies as well as in larger groups, holding positions with final responsibility for Finance or Human Resources, and supervising departments such as ICT, Procurement and Legal Services.

Sophie Scheck operates in the Benelux countries, with her father Jan Scheck, through the company “People for Success bvba”.

After a ten year career producing television series & premium advertising campaigns, the time was right to switch to working with who really matters: the people behind the work.

Her experience working in high-paced, deadline-packed environments coordinating numerous varying teams has fired her motivation to be involved with the optimalization of both intrinsic employee motivation as well as their ensuing teamwork. With the help of PI she translates your needs into a successful strategy and business approach.
Cyprus flag



Andreas Tziarras predominantly operates in Cyprus as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his own company OneJar. Together with Humanostics they help companies to optimize their talent to accomplish their business goals.

Andreas held various senior leadership roles in HR & organizational development within the maritime industry. He enjoys introducing and managing transformation initiatives in organizations and working with people. His experience comes from scaling up and scaling down offices, as well as dealing with Mergers and Acquisitions using a variety of HR & Management tools and practices in different countries in Asia and Europe.

Andreas holds BSc in Sociology, MSc in HRM & Organizational behaviour and he is a certified Executive Coach from Henley Business School.
Flag of Denmark


Flemming Maagaard predominantly operates in Denmark as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company "MJ Konsult".

MJ Konsult advises clients on recruitment, strategy and sales. Flemming is highly experienced within change management, growth and leadership as well.

Flemming has an international career as MD of organisations in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Flemming has a leadership education from Columbia University on his resumé and is a certified Quality Instructor.

Lizzie er tilknyttet Humanostics som Associate Partner gennem sin virksomhed "TIE Progress". Med mere 15+ års ledelseserfaring og 20+ års erfaring indenfor HR samt organisatorisk-, ledelses- og personlig udvikling i nationale og internationale virksomheder, har Lizzie en bred erfaring indenfor alt fra grundlæggende operationelle opgaver til komplekse strategiske projekter.

Lizzies brede erfaring indenfor ledelse, mennesker og kultur er skabt på baggrund af roller primært indenfor shipping, pharma og hospitality industrien, hvilket har givet hende et stærkt globalt mindset samt en evne til at arbejde i komplekse forretningsmiljøer med høj diversitet. Hun har en skarp forretningsforståelse samt et dokumenteret talent for at udvikle koncepter og eksekvere strategier sammen med ledere på alle organisatoriske niveauer.

Kirstine Hanghøj predominantly operates in Denmark as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through her company 'Kirstine Hanghøj' which helps organisations with cultural and behavioural drives, as well as organisational and leadership development. Areas of expertise also include talent management and change management.

Kirstine has been employed in international consultancies, and has furthermore worked extensively with individual coaching and team coaching and is a certified coach. She has been a manager herself, been in an executive management team and has coached a wide range of managers.

Per har været beskæftiget mere end 30 år i shippingbranchen og senere i forskellige ledelseskonsulent- og salgsstillinger.

Efter endt uddannelse var Per næsten 25 år hos Maersk, hvor han sluttede i forskellige landechefstillinger, senest som VP for det sydlige Afrika med ansvar for 9 lande. I Maersk brugte han PI og i løbet af sin tid i Maersk blev han certificeret PI-træner. I et senere job i Singapore solgte han og trænede kunder i PI.

Per har arbejdet i Asien og Afrika i næsten 25 år og han er nu tilbage i Danmark og arbejder som associeret partner hos Humanostics.


Per Sennicksen predominantly operates in Denmark as an Associate Partner for Humanostics. Per has 40 years of working experience, initially as an auditor with Ernst & Young and afterwards within international shipping & logistics, having worked for A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S for 20 years. Per has also acted as senior consultant and advisor for a number of start-ups.

Business development, change management and business administration – often global by nature – have been Per’s focus through the years where he has lived and worked in the United States, England, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates and Japan, and of course Denmark.

Per has taken several management and leadership courses from IMD, INSEAD, Penn State, Cranfield and Northwestern.

Ulrik hjælper virksomheder med at øge deres performance og fremtidssikre sig ved at styrke virksomhedens organisation og lederskab. Ulrik gør dette gennem en række aktiviteter som: (i) Afklaring af hvad skal organisation kunne i forhold strategien, organisations design og nøgleprocesser; (ii) Definere ledelse, coache ledere og sikre talent pipeline; (iii) Lede organisatoriske, kulturelle og forandringsprogrammer.

Ulrik har 20+ års erfaring som international HR-leder og har opbygget stor erfaring indenfor organisation og performance, ledelses- og talentudvikling samt coaching, forandring og transformation, M&A, kultur og adfærd samt ledelse og udvikling af HR funktionen til sine kunder.

Steen Holm har mere 25 års ledelseserfaring indenfor marketing- og kommunikation, og har stået i spidsen for både danske og internationale reklamebureauer. Senest 14 år som CEO for Havas Worldwide Copenhagen.

Startede i 2017 egen konsulentvirksomhed og arbejder i dag med rådgivning og rekruttering, i særdeleshed indenfor områderne marketing, kommunikation og design. Både for rådgiversiden og traditionelle virksomheder.

Uddannet som cand. merc. fra SDU i International Marketing, samt videreuddannet på både på Harvard Business School og Wharton. Underviser og vejleder på både SDU og CBS.


Dave operates across the UK as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company 360 Talent Solutions, which provides talent attraction and talent management solutions to companies ranging from start-ups and SMEs to Fortune 500.

International talent management strategist, Dave brings nearly 10 years’ experience within the pharmaceutical industry where he has built authentic relationships based on a high-touch approach to talent management and the delivery of pragmatic solutions to talent lifecycle management.

Dave has built an extensive network of global business leaders and combines his interest in business, technology, and people to work towards a better tomorrow together.

Graduating in History from the University of Birmingham and after a brief flirtation with the Royal Navy, entered on a career in drink and licensed retail within one of the larger UK conglomerates of the time. Selling beer in the North of England, running pubs in London and finally wine and spirit distribution in Asia and Europe. After two years with Coca-Cola managing sales and vending teams, David worked with a boutique practice building an international client base in consumer industries before joining the board of a specialist hospitality recruiter. After qualifying as an executive and career coach, he joined Excelerate Resources Ltd. in Nottingham in 2004, acquiring the business and moving it to Warwick in 2005.

David first worked with PI in the early 2000’s and is delighted to bring its insight back to the international practice. He now runs with a small team who also have PI understanding.

David works with businesses across the UK assisting them to achieve success through their strongest and most important asset their people. He does this through his consulting business Keir-HR. People often ask why Keir and the answer lies in David’s total respect for his father who he says taught him to respect and value people, Keir was his fathers middle name and an old Scottish family name. He has worked in HR and L&D for over 30 years and is a very proud Chartered Fellow of CIPD and has an MA in Learning and Development.

David worked in large corporate global brands before working for a Private Equity backed and owner managed SME. This gave him a clear and concise insight into commercial and pragmatic HR management. He set up Keir-HR in order to give back to SME’s via his knowledge gained not only from professional development but also practical experience.

Mat operates throughout the UK as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company Black Ink HR Ltd. Black Ink HR is a Human Resources Consultancy that puts emotional intelligence back into HR by focusing on what really matter to companies, their people. Black Ink HR provides the full employee lifecycle support to companies ranging in size and sectors.

Mat has worked at a senior level in the Learning and Development and HR industry for c20 years and has been integral in aligning HR strategy to Company strategy with his straightforward and practical approach. Mat is passionate about People, Teams and Engagement and really gets to grips with what’s going on in your business to create a right first time culture. A culture where you have the right people in the right place at the right time, with the right skills and the right support.

Nick operates across the United Kingdom as an Associate Partner for Humanostics. Nick works with companies going through transformation, restructuring and organisational evaluation.

With over 25 years’ international experience in the maritime industry, including as a CEO, Nick has had a particular focus on port and terminal management and shipping in oil, gas, dry bulk and container shipping. He has used Predictive Index since the 1990’s extensively across the companies he’s been involved with, both within the fleet and shore personnel, and white- and blue-collar staff in industrial settings, for recruitment, talent optimisation, ship to shore transition, team composition, and particularly safety.

Paul operates in the UK as an associate partner for Humanostics through his company Think Selling.

Paul has worked within the Talent Acquisition, learning and development and leadership development arena for over 17 years both domestically within the UK and also internationally and has been involved with psychometric assessments for over 12 years.

Paul helps organisations to develop and improve their sales strategies, working with sales team to increase their sales effectiveness and working with sales leaders to develop and grow as leaders and support their sales teams through coaching and the use of assessment tools.

Paul is an ILM level 5 Coach and an NLP master practitioner trainer


Achim is an Associate Partner for Humanostics and works as a management consultant in the DACH region with his company, DOSAR Consulting GmbH, primarily for large and medium-sized companies. His consultations focus on optimization opportunities in human resource management, especially selection process.

Before starting his own company, he worked as a manager in corporate finance for international banks and for national and international HR consulting firms. He has a lot of certified knowledge and experience in behavioral psychology and personality analysis, which he uses to help clients with psychometric selection processes and manager audits to make sure the right people are put in the right jobs.


Patrick has a rich background in business administration and management consulting. With his wealth of experience as Managing Director of a top pan-European consultancy, Patrick has led transformative projects across industries. He has been instrumental in helping companies optimize their processes and improve their quality. His expertise spans various industries and types of companies, making him an extremely versatile and sought-after consultant. He understands how to analyze the needs of companies and develop tailor-made solutions to efficiently deploy their human resources and build successful teams over the long term. Patrick is known for his ability to solve complex problems and develop innovative strategies offering his clients sustainable added value. His strong communication skills enable him to interact with employees at all hierarchical levels as well as with top managers on an equal footing. Education: Business administration with doctorate


Detlev Kerber is an Associated Partner of Humanostics since 2021, based in Hamburg. The Transportation- and Logistics segment in North Germany belongs to his geographical scope. The existing Network of his and his Partners‘ Company Nordwest - Personalberater is ideal for further expanding the roll-out of the PI Index in this specific region. Detlev has actively managed Branches and Regional entities comprising up to 600 Employees during his long-lasting career in the Liner Shipping Industry.

He has an international background with active experience in Japan, Singapore and the UK. This includes managerial education at the London Business School and the National University of Singapore.


Hans Joachim Fröhlich is an Associated Partner of Humanostics since 2021, based in Hamburg. The Transportation- and Logistics segment in North Germany belongs to his geographical scope.

The existing Network of his and his Partners‘ Company Nordwest - Personalberater is ideal for further expanding the roll-out of the PI Index in this specific region.

Hans Joachim has a long-lasting career in the Liner Shipping Industry. He was i.e. Human Resources Director for a large shipping line in Germany and knows PI since many years.



Tommy operates in Greenland and Denmark as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company Cadvi. Tommy is a results-driven professional with extensive experience in legal and corporate management settings with a proven record of accomplishment in Law, Compliance, HR, Finance, IT, Project Management, Administration and Shipping. International Compliance & Ethics, HR Strategy and Operations leader in union and non-union environments.

Tommy is a highly analytical and dedicated relationship builder who values integrity and uses exceptional leadership abilities to build and manage effective, high-performing teams. Excellent communicator across all levels of management, with clients, vendors, and other stakeholders. Tommy has worked with PI since 2016. Tommy holds a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of Copenhagen and a diploma in Leadership from the Technical University of Denmark.
Flag of Iceland


Pétur is a problem solver with 30 years experience in international business and banking. Pétur is a financier with 15 years in Corporate and Investment Banking and 15 years in a wide range of international businesses including fisheries, aviation and TV production.

His expertise is implementing strategies, starting-up businesses and selecting and motivating executives teams. His multi-cultural background includes living in London and Paris for 30 years and working in the Middle East, Hong Kong and East Africa as well.

Pétur holds a degree in Economics from University College London and International Baccalaureate from Ecole Active Bilingue in Paris. Pétur is a runner, skier and father of two sons. He currently lives in his native Iceland.
Flag of Indonesia


Jan er fra Danmark men har boet i udlandet siden 1997, i Brunei, Saudiarabien og Indonesien. Han startede sin karrierre i A.P. Møller-Mærsk og blev senere Managing Director for Wilhelmsen i Saudiarabien og Indonesien og General Manager for Canada Steamship Lines i Asien. Han arbejder nu som rådgiver i Indonesien.

Jan har stor erfaring med at lede store organisationer i komplekse miljøer og medarbejder fra alle dele af verden. Han har bred forståelse for den indonesiske kultur og taler flydende Bahasa Indonesia.

Wicky is a certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, City and Guilds Diploma in Training Skills and Director of the company WEI Learnings (PT. Wicky Edukasi Indonesia).

Specializing training in soft skills such as Time management, Public Speaking, Leadership, Customer Service and Selling Skills. Main client assignments mostly multinational companies ranging from forwarding, logistics, shipping line, and services. He is also an associate trainer for major global training companies.

Prior establishing his own company in 2018, Wicky was part of the global management trainee program for a major global shipping company and held senior positions in customer service, process excellence and sales roles. In his 17 years of corporate life, Wicky has worked in United States, Denmark and Singapore.
Flag of Malaysia


Marilyn Yim is based in Malaysia as an Associate Partner for Humanostics. She is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, coach, and learning facilitator at Puncak Jupiter.

With 20 years of corporate managerial experience within global luxury brands, she has facilitated strategic management retreats; produced comprehensive learning videos; developed unique training methodologies using rhythm and collaborative games, as well as delivered trainings in various parts of South East Asia and Australia. Her clients range from different industries in Retail, Hospitality, Pharmaceutical and Shipping.

She believes in helping work teams and corporate leaders excel in their development journey to adapt in a constantly -evolving business environment through 3 Key Areas, Leadership, Communication and Client Centricity to achieve real and lasting business results.

Max is an experienced trainer that is very passionate about Leadership and coaching. One Of Max's Core beliefs is that "Everyone can be a leader", He deeply believes in experiential learning where learning has to be fun and practical. Max is a certified NLP practitioner, High-performance behavioural coach. Over the years he has helped businesses grow and develop by following through learning of his participants and making them into a better leader. Currently, he is the Managing Consultant that leads a team of Learning consultants across Malaysia to develop a sustainable leadership development framework for his clientele that includes Flex, Oracle, Hershey's, Gleneagles, Intel, Western Digital, Technip, and Foxconn.

Max is fluent conversationally in English, Malay, Hokien, Cantonese and Mandarin

Munirah Ghazali plays a key role in providing the Human Capital expertise and advice for the entire spectrum of Human Capital functions including Talent Acquisitions, Organizational Development, Compensation & Benefits, to support organization in achieving its business goals. She has deep passion to create, implement dynamic Human Capital Strategy in changing workforce, global competition, advances in information technology, new knowledge. She plays a fundamental role to become drivers of organizational effectiveness and business strategy for to address talent management issues such as knowledge management, change management and capability building.

Munirah began her Talent Management career in Price Waterhouse, and later held strategic senior regional Human Capital positions in companies such as NCR, ACS Xerox, IBM, WorleyParsons and Fluor Daniel International.

Yim Choong Chow is based in Malaysia as an Associate Partner for Humanostics. Yim Choong Chow is a certified performance coach, strategy consultant, author, a sought after trainer in Asia, and the Executive Director of the company Puncak Jupiter.

With over 35 years of senior management experience as a practioner and a consultant he helps organisations and individuals to succeed.

Prior to establishing Puncak Jupiter in 2001, Yim worked for a major global shipping company in various leadership roles. In his 30 years of corporate life, Yim has worked in Denmark, Singapore and Malaysia.
Flag of The Netherlands


André Wakker predominantly operates in the Netherlands as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company Animo Consulting.

Animo Consulting helps businesses (re)discover their Credo, and keep it alive by building purpose, and a clear forward path into business. Together, Humanostics and Animo bring the potential of people and business to life by connecting recruitment and development of human capital with business vision, and strategy.

André Wakker is a passionate professional in value creation. He has deep expertise in international business development and consulting in various industrial sectors and across a variety of cultures. He loves change, and challenge. He holds a PhD in science and mathematics.

Henk Koershuis is based in The Netherlands and is an Associate Partner of Humanostics through NexR®. With NexR® they contribute to a better society by developing the strongest possible connections in teams and organizations.

Henk has more than 20 years of experience with the use of The Predictive Index, has a Master of Science in business administration and has extensive experience in HRM and organizational development as a consultant as well as manager and director in international corporates, local, and family businesses.

Lysette Kampman predominantly operates in the Netherlands as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through her company FlowLobby. She is experienced in HR and IT since 2004.

Lysette is passionate about having talents at the right place in the company and ensuring that the right processes and tools are in place to create a positive business case. Lysette has implemented talent management processes, recruitment systems, performance management cycles and software tools for several clients.

Lysette Kampman holds a master’s degree in Human Resources Management, studied international business administration and provides workshops at several universities regarding assessments.

Marjo Eekers is based in The Netherlands and is an Associate Partner of Humanostics through NexR®. With NexR® they contribute to a better society by developing the strongest possible connections in teams and organizations.

Marjo is MSc in Business Administration (in Healthcare) and has more than 15 years of experience in various management positions in the profit and non-profit sector. Marjo realize sustainable results in organizations through focusing on connection. Marjo's commitment focuses specifically on team and organizational development where the use of the Predictive Index is a wonderful enrichment.
Flag of Norway


Sondre Larsen operates in Norway as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through the company Talent Gallery – Scandinavian Search Group AS.

Sondre started his career in Talent Gallery - Scandinavian Search Group in 2008 specializing in construction recruitment. Today he is one of few specialists within this sector with many of the biggest construction companies in Norway as clients.

Trond Larsen operates in Norway as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company Talent Gallery – Scandinavian Search Group AS.

Trond has been working in recruitment since 1995. Prior to this he worked as journalist and international marketing manager at Orkla Foods – Stabburet, including responsibility for successful launch of the soft drink FUN Light in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Besides leading Talent Gallery Search+Selection Trond also has been appointed as Area Leader for NPAworldwide in the Nordic area.
Flag of Poland


Fredrik Udd predominantly operates in Poland as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company Explore Markets, which helps clients to maximize their performance and achieve their vision.

With a strong business acumen, Fredrik is focused on creating business value through strategic improvements, people performance, sales growth, and international expansion.

Fredrik is of Swedish origin and holds a MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from Linköping University. He has been based in Warsaw for the past 10 years.

Jakub predominantly operates in Poland as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through his company Motiva HR, which helps clients to be more focus on Human Resources (main market is automotive).

Jakub has been passionate about HR since he was 16 years old and has among other things created a recruitment process for one of the biggest NGO's in Poland as voluntary work.

Jakub holds a BA from the Leon Koźmiński Academy Faculty Human Resources and an MSc. from University of Warsaw faculty Sales Management in recruitment industry.

Karolina Rogatko, predominantly operates in Poland as an Associate Partner for Humanostics through her company 'HR Capital Diagnosis' where she helps her customers increase organisational efficiency through effective Human Resources Management.

Karolina is an expert in HR, sales management, operations and risk management.

Karolina has cowritten a book about Interim Management, as is a board member of Polish Interim Managers Association. Karolina holds a master’s degree from the Warsaw School of Economics.

Tomasz Kosnik predominantly operates in Poland as Associate Partners for Humanostics through their company "TKMC executive recruitment".

TKMC serves a broad range of industries, and through the use of The Predictive Index’s tools, helps companies recruit easier and reduce turnover, causing significant savings and higher levels of employee engagement.

Tomasz holds a master’s degree in Construction from the Military University of Technology in Warsaw.
Flag of the Philippines



Jo-Ann predominantly operates in the Philippines through her company Leaderwise Consulting. She supports organizations in Talent Acquisition and Leadership Development.

Jo-Ann has 20 years of experience in various local, multinational, and public organizations. Her expertise includes strategy, sales, program design, marketing, planning and project management, client and people management, customer service, corporate social responsibility, and research and policy. Other areas of expertise include training facilitation, curriculum development, design and creation of e-learning materials, videos and animation, and executive coaching for managers and executives.

Jo-Ann is a certified coach and has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Santo Tomas, has earned units towards an MSc in Psychology, and has a Certificate in Capacity Building for Sustainable Local Development from the University of the Philippines.


Rachel C. Canuto is a business expansion expert specifically in Business Development. Her expertise is in acquiring feasible locations where a brand can open profitable new branches then offer it to those who are willing to invest in franchising.

In her more than 25 years of work experience, Rachel became very knowledgeable in the standard operating procedures of a food and retail business as she has handled various management roles in the industry. Other areas of expertise include people management, efficient negotiation skills with property developers, conducting surveys and feasibility and market studies, designing of franchise presentations and conducting seminars and orientations to prospective franchisees. Rachel also specializes in profiling prospective franchisees and gives them guidance and assistance on various business strategies towards expansion and profitability.

Rachel has a Bachelor’s Degree Major in International Studies in one of the most prestigious college in the Philippines, Maryknoll (Miriam) College.
Flag of Singapore


Anwar has two decades of experiences in sales mainly in the food industry over various management roles in the South East Asia region. The last 6 years has been spent in a consulting role to assist his company in the recruitment & selection of suitable business owners & investors with high capability and business acumen.

Anwar specializes in assisting business owners with their business strategies and portfolio management to ensure business growth and sustainability. He is fluent in both English & Bahasa and predominantly operates in Singapore & Malaysia.

Soren has 25+ years of experience in International Sales and management in different industries, where the last 20 years has been with a base in Singapore and worked as a Managing Director in the lighting industry. Soren is also a board member in a few companies in Asia/Pacific region and working as a consultant for the same companies.

Soren holds a BSc. in economics and a Graduate Diploma in International Business from Aarhus Business School. Soren has also been attending courses on INSEAD in Singapore.
Flag of Thailand


Jill Kittinuttakul predominantly operates in Thailand as an Associate Partner for Humanostics. She helps companies optimize their talent to accomplish their business goals. Jill is an accomplished resort owner, entrepreneur, marketing strategist, and consultant who is passionate about supporting organizations in their brand-building efforts and designing sustainable business models. She has over a decade of total experience in digital marketing and running her own companies in the hospitality and education industries.

Jill specializes in helping organizations in developing innovation processes, aligning their business strategy with their people strategy by providing end-to-end solutions, tools, and guidance, and solving challenges by developing new ideas or improving existing ideas. Jill is fluent in Thai, Mandarin and English.

Tom Sorensen predominantly operates in Thailand as an Associate Partner for Humanostics. Tom is an executive search veteran with 35 years of experience recruiting in Asia, Europe and Africa. He has worked in retained executive search in Thailand for over 15 years and is recognized as one of the country’s top recruiters.

Tom worked has been a business owner and held Managing Director and General Manager positions as well as sales and marketing roles in many countries across the globe. Moreover, Tom has extensive board experience as a chairman and member. Tom has been a keen practitioner of psychometric and cognitive assessments throughout his career.


Søren Storm har været associate partner hos Humanostics siden 2021, og han er bosat i Singapore. I denne video deler Søren nogle af sine erfaringer ift. at holde salgsmøder, lande nye kunder og arbejde med dem i deres brug af The Predictive Index-løsningerne inden for talentopimiering.



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PI Job
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PI Cognitive Assessment™
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PI Behavioral Assessment™
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PI Employee Experience Survey™
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Selling Skills Assessment Tool™


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